Donato Helbling @ S.Y.C. 2020

Donato Helbling is a well-established leader in the Miami movement and consciousness scenes. He has been studying and teaching Yoga, Mobility, Martial Arts, Meditation and Philosophy at the Budokon University and has toured the world teaching with his teacher, Cameron Shayne.

Finding the Warrior Inside the Yogi
Yoga is a practice of acceptance and surrender. At the same time, it cultivates strength, courage and fierceness. Donato brings lessons from his journey as a black belt to the yoga mat. This class will help you recognize that as a yogi, you are already incredibly powerful. Donato, one of the most advanced Budokon teachers in the world, will share sequences, transitions and strength-building techniques to bring real power to your yoga practice.

Yoga in Real Life
So many hours and so much progress on your mat, but what is it all for? We live in a modern world where people struggle to find and express who they really are. Instead of trying to be a “good yogi” why not focus on being a good YOU? Donato will use lessons from his Integrative Living model to empower you to live the happiest version of you.

Psychedelic Monkey Moves
Before yoga got so serious, there was moving to have fun and breathing to get high. Understanding these basic skills can take your yoga practice to the next level. We will be exploring a fun series of innovative ways to move all around your mat. This will be a very active mobility workshop that will end with a very special breathwork ritual. Your savasana will never be the same.